Is Spur officially approved by Meta | Spur is an Official Tech Partner
One of the most common questions we get asked is whether all the automations provided by Spur's Instagram & WhatsApp offering approved by Meta? Or is Spur an official partner of Meta?

Yes, Spur is officially approved by Meta, in fact, Spur's app was approved by Meta on July 15, 2022, itself. Spur is fully approved for use by Instagram.
As a matter of fact, if you try to use a Meta App that is not approved, Meta shows you an explicit warning that this app is not approved. So beware of fraud apps when you look for automation tools for Instagram or WhatsApp!

Our app is also listed on the official Meta Partner Directory.

So far, we've empowered more than 10 million DM automations for 400+ brands across the globe. We have more than 54 reviews on our official Shopify app & are onboarding more creators & brands every week.
You can also check out our video series and how Spur is powering the brand's growth.
Tech Partners are third party developers who build value added solutions on top of the WhatsApp Business & Meta Platform. These solutions can be offered independently or as part of a joint solution with a Solution Partner.

You can read more about it here
Everything Spur empowers you to do is approved by Meta, Shopify. We never promote spam and are always compliant with all privacy updates that are pushed by Meta & Shopify. In this every changing world of privacy, these updates are actually quite frequent, and we're more than happy to make marketing & support automation a more secure place.

Yes, the official Meta directory showcases that we have Instagram Offering as well.
Yes, we use the official Profile API to check if a user follows you or not. You can view this document here.